mercredi 18 juillet 2012

Fucking pain!

I cant believe im still here. I am in so much pain i cant stand it anymore i am freaking out every time i get those spasm... its worst then ever...
I wish i could go back in time and find the reason i have this issue...

vendredi 25 février 2011

"D" Day sucks.

Bon bon bon, men vas travailler !
Passez une belle journee. moé je fini a 3h ajd. jai fucking hate. chu pu capable de ste job de marde la.

jeudi 24 février 2011



La galère de facebook.. il me reste 5 min a me preparer se matin, et je suis la a ecrire un post sur mon blog pour fessebook :P

po pire po pire :P

mardi 18 janvier 2011

Tuesday sucks

Hey, its me again.. i got it confirmed, i am a beneficiary of the crohn's disease, at a pretty much advanced stage. to the point where its not curable anymore, but could be less painfull with meds,..
I could die, and i could live. i still need a surgery a.s.a.p.
I am in pains, daily.. really huge fucking pains..
I can't stand it anymore...
Iwas planning to quit tokin' up on february 1st, but fuck that. ill stick to my own drugs.

lundi 25 octobre 2010


un autre criss de lundi qui passe, pis jai mon rdv jeudi a 2h.. j'ai hate pis jai pas hate en meme temps.
jveut pas savoir se que j'ai mais jveut pu l'avoir so.. un gars a pas le choix hein..

lets just hope i could be fixed shortly, i can't handle the pain and the spontanious spasms..

i wish it easily fixable, i am tired of the meds and stuff i got prescribed all those years..!

lets see what happens.

ttyl. -Seb-

jeudi 21 octobre 2010

At work since 7am this morning, got here about 45mins too early.. stomach pains and nausea are on the menu... as usuall.. damm fucking crohn's disease.. why am i stuck with this shit!!

i would have had breakfast this morning, but i didn't want to have the pain that comes with it..

shit happens.. and i try to evade it..

lets see what happens till noon..

samedi 16 octobre 2010

Sick and Sick again!

ITs been 2 nights in a row i am sick like a bastard. i wake up in the middle of the night in hot sweat and stomach pains like i never had before, makes me want to cry..
i was soo sick, i got some blood cells that popped in my face. i look like i have freckles!! haha

yesterday i saw the movie Jackass 3D, its Sooo fucking AWESOME!! and tonight i am going back to see the facebook movie "The Social Network" i can't wait. it looks a-w-e-s-o-m-e!

Ok well ill come back later!

jeudi 14 octobre 2010


We got to work this morning and all the phone lines were down.. pretty much fun to go and have a smoke and another one.. 4 in totals..
Our boss is cool and pretty much flexible.
Its raining outside, so i had to remove the half-cast on my foot so its not getting wet, and i think imma gonna put it back on in a few minutes.. i damm hope its going to be fixed soon.. i need mah legz!! :P

Ok well ill post something else later, have fun :P

mercredi 13 octobre 2010

état de santé..

J'ai finalement eu un r-d-v- a l'hopital de hull avec un spécialiste.
J'ai été diagnostiquer avec la maladie de crohn...

Le doc m'a dit que sa fait une dizzaine d'année que je suis attein de cette maladie chronique et que si sa aurais ete découvert plus tot sa aurais pu etre plus facile de s'en débarasser.

J'ai un r-d-v- le 28 Octobre encore avec mon doc pour mes prescriptions et ma diete.

j'ai peur du resultat et des complications, en souhaitant que sa se passe bien.

